Sand Leather Loafer in Black

  • Sand Leather Loafer in Black
  • $296.30
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  • Sand Leather Loafer featuring finely carved stitch lines along the smooth missing square toe line. The square style that covers your feet slimly makes use of Sandropper's neutral charm. Softkeep made in Italy is used to wear it comfortably like slip-on, and the material itself has a high oiling level, so it is characterized by good elasticity, durability, and wear. It boasts an excellent fit by simultaneously working on the bent outsole and the heel itself, which adds completeness of the shoe, increasing wear resistance and reducing the step difference. Sandroppers, which will give the overall look a deep look, are available in two classic colors: black and white.
  • $2.00
KRW 296
Sand Leather Loafer featuring finely carved stitch lines along the smooth missing square toe line. The square style that covers your feet slimly makes use of Sandropper's neutral charm. Softkeep made in Italy is used to wear it comfortably like slip-on, and the material itself has a high oiling level, so it is characterized by good elasticity, durability, and wear. It boasts an excellent fit by simultaneously working on the bent outsole and the heel itself, which adds completeness of the shoe, increasing wear resistance and reducing the step difference. Sandroppers, which will give the overall look a deep look, are available in two classic colors: black and white.
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